"Be the change you want
to See in the world" Gandhi
Follow me. Hi, I'm Tal Raz, an environmental activist and a lecturer. I'm motivated to raise public awareness about environmental issues concerning the seas and shores. My business intends to encourage people to take care and be responsible for their actions in marine environments. It regularly includes documenting the wildlife along the reef of Bat Galim neighborhood in Haifa. Using social media I expose the richness of wildlife and the devastating impacts of human activities on marine life.
Ever since my early years, I've been in love with the sea. Growing up in Bat Galim, and throughout my childhood, my father used to take me diving. By doing so, I was introduced to the magical dimension of the marine world.
The worrying condition of the environment and the pessimistic forecasts regarding the seas in the future have led me to take action and become the voice of underwater wildlife. My lectures emphasize that each and every one of us is responsible for the environment. Everyone can influence his/her surroundings by raising awareness, recycling, and reducing consumption. My wish is that my actions will serve as an inspiration for youth and the next generations.